Charlie Lyon is CCO of FutureFuel Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary FutureFuel Chemical Company. He has held this role since July 2022, and previously he was the Company's Senior Vice President, Strategy and Planning. Charlie joined FutureFuel in September 2021.
Charlie is a specialty chemicals business executive with 40 years of experience in the industry, including 30 years of experience in international business operations and leadership. This included responsibility for business operations of multiple specialty chemical product lines including global sales and marketing, research and development, manufacturing, and engineering. Charlie has extensive experience in establishing and growing businesses, especially in the Asia Pacific and Americas regions. He has served on the boards of multiple entities, including in India, Indonesia, and Singapore. Prior to joining FutureFuel, Charlie was a business director with INEOS. He began his career with Monsanto in engineering and manufacturing and also held leadership roles with Solutia and UCB.
Charlie earned a bachelor of science degree in Chemical Engineering and a master of science degree in Engineering Management, both from the University of Missouri (Rolla).