Biodiesel Manufacturer - Your source for high-quality biodiesel in southeast - Supplier

Your source for
high-quality biodiesel

FutureFuel Biodiesel

Natural Fuel from
The Natural State

Given our site's history as a producer of specialty chemicals, FutureFuel diversified into biodiesel production in late 2005. Originating as a local initiative to provide fuel for employees and FutureFuel’s Legacy truck fleet, the venture quickly moved from batch to continuous production. Presently, FutureFuel produces nearly 60 million gallons per year of biodiesel, a testament to our commitment to sustainable chemistry, innovation, and growth. This extensive experience has established FutureFuel as a respected and trusted leader in the biodiesel supply chain.

Clean. Safe.
Made In America

Biodiesel, derived through transesterification from various feedstock sources, converts fats and oils into Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) and glycerin. FutureFuel uses a variety of feedstocks in its operations that include inedible corn oil, used cooking oil (UCO), degummed/crude soy oil, and rendered animal fat. Utilizing these harder-to-process resources gives FutureFuel a technological edge by offering flexibility in a competitive market and actively contributes to a more circular and sustainable environment.

Key Features:

  • Current production capacity of almost 60 million gallons of Biodiesel per year
  • Largest producer in the Southeastern United States
  •   Capable of shipping via truck or rail from our Batesville, AR plant



Glycerin is a byproduct generated during the production of biodiesel. FutureFuel offers both Crude and Technical Grade Glycerin, under our FutureSol® trade name, for various applications.
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ISO Registered Facility

ISO 9001-2015 Certificate


BQ-9000 Producer

National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission


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